Reporter: Gida jointly gave Salah a 3-year contract with an annual salary of 65 million pounds + bonus. Currently, no agreement has been reached.

Live Bar News on August 25, reporter Ben Jacobs reported that Gida is jointly exploring an ambitious transfer, hoping to let Salah participate in the World Club Cup held in Gida in 2023.

At first, the Jidah alliance only regarded Salah as the target of recruitment in 2024, and trading participants expressed “more and more optimism” about this shocking transfer, but Salah’s broker said publicly this month, his clients are still focusing on Liverpool.

Gida jointly offered Salah a three-year contract and promised to make him one of the highest-paid players in the Premier League. The basic annual salary Currently prepared is 65 million pounds, in addition to other bonus income. They haven’t reached any agreement with the players yet. Liverpool have always said that they do not want Salah to leave the team.

Considering all the income opportunities, if you join the Jida alliance, Salah will approach (or even exceed) the income level of Ronaldo’s victory in Riyadh. However, everything depends on Liverpool’s decision, especially when they receive the official quotation.



Sand super? Sand money! All the stars of the big ball, Jusha Telian!

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